If a P6 XER import is taking an extended amount of time then you are likely experiencing the dreaded POBS bug. Note that POBS data has never been used by P6. You became infected by importing an XER file containing errant POBS data. Once infected any future XER exports from your machine also spread the problem. Even after applying this fix you can be re-infected by importing a bad XER file.
The solution is twofold:
- Delete all POBS data from your database. Your database will vary depending on how your P6 was installed, choose accordingly.
- For Oracle XE Standalone Database P6 Pro (v8.3 and prior)
- From Oracle Database folder click \”Go to Database Home Page\”.
- Login as \”admprm$pm\”, password is the same as your P6 login
- Use the SQL Icon to select \”SQL Commands\” then \”Enter Command\”
- Enter the command \”delete from pobs;\” and click \”Run\”
- For Oracle SQLite Standalone P6 Pro (v8.4, v15.x and forward)
- Download the SQLite tools here
- Unzip tools and place them in a folder on the path (C:\\Windows, for example)
- Go to the command line and change into the directory with your SQLite database file (the default location is your user Documents directory with a filename of PPMDBSQLite.db)
- Type: \”SQLite3 PPMDBSQLite.db\” at the command prompt and press enter (Use correct filename if you\’ve changed it)
- Type: \”delete from pobs;\” and press enter
- Type: \”exit\” and press enter to exit the SQLite3 program
- Type: \”exit\” and press enter to exit the Windows command prompt
- For Oracle EPPM Database (v10.x-v11.x) by your Database Administrator
- Run SQLPLUS from the command line (SQLPLUS sys/password AS sysdba)
- In SQLPLUS select P6 schema (ALTER session SET current_schema = privuser;)
- In SQLPLUS clear the POBS table (DELETE FROM pobs;)
- For Oracle XE Standalone Database P6 Pro (v8.3 and prior)
- Always run the \”POBS Cleaner\” program against XER files before import.
- Click here to download the \”POBS Cleaner\” program created by Ahmet Kochan.
The results window at the bottom of the page will show you how many POBS rows were deleted. At this point your P6 is now clean and will remain that way UNLESS you import a corrupt XER file that you failed to run \”POBS Cleaner\” on. Try not to do that.
Enjoy your newfound import speed and good luck.
Note: This issue has been resolved for version 16 and above